A huge amount of crime has now gone online or is cyber-enabled. The digital ‘attack surface’ of interest to criminals will grow from 31 billion devices now to over 75 billion devices by 2025.

Data innovation can deliver huge public value for Police Forces

Police are increasingly looking for digital solutions and innovation to deal with the rising challenge.   The Digital Policing Portfolio (DPP) has been key to the police’s digital strategy by setting up and leading three major workstreams:

  • Digital Public Contact (DPC)
  • Digital Intelligence & Investigation (DII)
  • Digital First (DF)

Individual forces around the country are also running data-driven projects. The Police Foundation Report (see at www.police-foundation.org.uk) has many examples of the innovation going on in the UK and internationally and the resultant public value being created. This work is certainly worth a read.

The Fears and Challenges

Despite the compelling arguments in favor of data driven policing there are many challenges, such as fears over the misuse of data, over-policing of individuals and communities and not least, citizens’ right to privacy.  The police themselves have warned they’re already struggling to cope with the sheer volume of digital data. Furthermore, the police have many technological systems that require major overhaul or renewal to enable integration and development of the data strategies outlined above.  Given the level of innovation required there is great benefit for Police forces working with niche technology providers who focus on these high risk, high profile projects.

These sorts of initiatives would not only grow public confidence in the ability of our police to tackle data and cyber-crime, but also grow confidence that the police are delivering public value.

How Digiterre can help

Police forces can harness the power of data and disruptive technologies for their own benefit through working with technology partners, such as Digiterre. Experienced across many markets including banking, investments, energy and the public sector, we offer partners the following capabilities: business agility, adaptability, technology innovation and a proven track record in solving high risk, high profile and complex technical challenges very well and very fast.

To learn more, please contact us at [email protected]

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