• Date: Wednesday 8 July
  • Time: 2.30pm

At this time more than ever, organizations are operating within a challenging environment and with an overwhelming amount of data coming at them from all directions. This data needs to be gathered, validated and then used for strategic, tactical and political benefit. This is complex as data can often be in multiple systems, often legacy and across numerous organizational silos. These are obstacles that need to be overcome.

This event covers the main aspects related to these data challenges, including:

  • How to identify and onboard the right data sources;
  • Overcoming the technical challenges of ingestion;
  • How to operate a flexible data schema which puts power in the hands of users
  • Authentication and authorization processes which ensure no duplication and controlling of data costs;
  • How to visualize this data effectively for decision making;
  • How to ensure effective collaboration between analysts and other key stakeholders.
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