Predictive Maintenance in Software Systems Using AI
Date: 15/11/24
By: Krzysztof Lewczuk
Digiterre is delighted to invite you to a round-table event on how to effectively manage multiple market data sources and source systems to increase both competitiveness and reduce costs.
At this time more than ever, organizations are operating within a challenging environment and with an overwhelming amount of data coming at them from all directions. This data needs to be gathered, validated and then used for strategic and tactical benefit. This is complex as data can often be in multiple systems, often legacy and across numerous organizational silos.
Market Data Scientists and Quants can spend upwards of 70% of their time sourcing, cleansing or manipulating data, rather than building the models and adding the value they were hired to add. This challenge grows by the day as the volume of data and number of alternative data sources available to all market participants, grows exponentially.
The round-table will cover the many challenges faced by Asset Management organizations who rely on market data, these include:
Please feel free to forward this invite to relevant colleagues who may be interested in this subject.
Date: 15/11/24
By: Krzysztof Lewczuk
Date: 06/11/24
By: Krzysztof Lewczuk
Date: 30/10/24
By: Krzysztof Lewczuk
Date: 24/10/24
By: Krzysztof Lewczuk
If you would like to find out more, or want to discuss your current challenges with one of the team, please get in touch.